Art For Humanity
Art for Humanity is an activity that aims to combine the beauty of art with the spirit of humanity. This activity is a creative initiative from Alexandra Halpito and the Nusantara Creation Scheme. This activity contains an exhibition and sale of paintings by Alexandra Halpito and Giselle Marchesa Widjaja and will be accompanied by a special music showcase from well-known musician partners who share the same concern for humanity.

The proceeds from this activity will be donated to the “WARRIOR: Water for Timor” program through the Wahana Visi Indonesia foundation. Project WARRIOR is a project to realize the hopes of children in Timor, especially in the village of Oehana, to be able to get a healthier, cleaner life and avoid malnutrition through the creation of JAB (Clean Water Network). Because water is closely related to sanitation and also the provision and processing of good food in the community.

Visitors will have the opportunity to enjoy a music concert and buy paintings that will be dedicated to supporting Project WARRIOR.

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